

Massage is one of the oldest, simplest forms of therapy. It is a system of stroking, pressing, and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain, relax, stimulate, and tone the body. Massage works on the soft tissues (muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to improve muscle tone. Although it largely affects those muscles just under the skin, its benefits may also reach the deeper layers of muscle and possibly even the organs themselves. Massage also stimulates blood circulation and assists the lymphatic system (which runs parallel to the circulatory system), improving the elimination of waste throughout the body.

Benefits of Massage


Supports the body’s natural detoxification process

Eases tension, stiffness, and pain

Enhances well being

Encourages self-awareness

Promotes relaxation & healing

Relieves stress

Increases blood & lymph circulation

Increases delivery of oxygen & nutrients to tissues


Integrative Massage Services Available

“The majority of my sessions involve a combination of all of my skills. I am trained in the following traditional Massage modalities (listed below). I am also a Myofascial Release Specialist (MFR) and a Usui Reiki Master. I am able to integrate any combination of my skills within the session, allowing me to use the best tools possible for whatever issues you may be experiencing at that time. Some clients want a very classic massage, some want exclusively MFR, and some want a combination of multiple modalities. All are welcome! It is my goal to meet my client where they are at with what they are looking for, while guiding them to the treatment that will best get them the results they are wanting. I absolutely love all of the different techniques that I have in my skillset, and really enjoy being able to cater every session individually to each client.” -Elizabeth Feldman (owner and practitioner)

Swedish (Relaxation) Massage

This massage utilizes traditional Swedish techniques, promotes relaxation, increases circulation, and decreases mind and body stress.

Deep Tissue Massage

This neuromuscular massage uses similar techniques to the Swedish massage. Still, it involves treating deeper layers of the muscle tissue and targeting acute or chronic areas of dysfunction.

Pregnancy Massage

Swedish techniques are used to cater to the needs of the pregnant woman. Prenatal massage is safe and healthy for most women; however, please consult your physician before to make sure you do not have any contraindications.

Essential Oil Application Technique

Using the Doterra protocol for the Aromatouch Technique, this treatment utilizes eight different oils and blends to reduce stress, boost immunity, reduce inflammation, and balance the autonomic nervous system.


60 minutes $120

90 minutes $165

Rates are subject to change without notice.